Thursday, October 11, 2012

I am always looking for a new form of exercise to surprise my body so it doesn't get lazy and to keep my interest peaked.  Last night I went to an hour long stretch class called Lastics. 

Lastics was founded by Donna Flagg a former dancer.  She incorporates her love of dance and her knowledge of dance into an hour long stretching sequence that teaches you to listen to and move the most inner parts of your body to elongate your muscles.

This was no simple class - it was hard - but enjoyable.  Donna was hands on with her students helping you to move your shoulder down or push those shoulder blades together. 

I have to say I do yoga and Pilate's and this was a stretch class like no other.  I left feeling long and like I was walking tall.  Needless to say I slept like a baby.  Stretching all those muscles - and muscles you didn't know you had, relaxed me.  In the morning I was a little sore which is natural when working muscles that have been dormant for months.

I recommend this class to anyone that bikes or lifts weights as they tend to make muscles bulky - this class will help stretch them to give you a longer leaner look - not with one class, but with a few!!  I also recommend this class to anyone that wants to get a good deep stretch.  Who doesn't. 

If you want to read up on Lastics and get more information, the link is listed below.  

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